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Showing posts with the label Disney


Marvel Multiverse Table Top Role-Playing Game - Summer 2023

  A new Marvel TTRPG is heading our way for Summer 2023. I have some really fond memories of the Marvel Superheroes Roleplaying game put out by TSR in the 1980's. It was right along side Dungeons & Dragons as one of my introductory games to ttrpgs. This new game looks to be based purely on a six-sided dice system. The playtest rulebook for the game is available now for anyone who wants to run an early version of the game through its paces before the finalized version comes out next year. I'll admit I'm curious enough make that purchase myself. Here is the official press release from Marvel:  MARVEL LAUNCHING CORE RULEBOOK FOR NEW TABLETOP ROLE-PLAYING GAME IN SUMMER 2023   ‘MARVEL MULTIVERSE ROLE-PLAYING GAME: CORE RULEBOOK’ AVAILABLE JUNE 2023   FOLLOWED BY ‘MARVEL MULTIVERSE ROLE-PLAYING GAME: THE CATACLYSM OF KANG’ AVAILABLE JULY 2023     Use the D616 game system to embody your favorite Super Heroes and Super Villains!     New York, NY— Aug...

Official Teaser - Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

ND Movie Moment: First Clip from Disney - Pete's Dragon

Star Wars: Aftermath Novel Announced

The Next Star Wars movie is titled Rogue One

Movie Trailer: 'Tomorrowland' Teaser debuts at New York Comic Con

Movie News: Iron Man 3 Extended "Big Game" Commercial

Movie News: New Iron Man 3 Poster Revealed

Movie News: It's Official, J.J. Abrams is Directing Star Wars VII

Video: Disney's Lone Ranger Trailer

Video - Avenger: Earth's Mighiest Heroes Season 2 Trailer

ND Crank Rant: One Million Moms Talking Loudly But Doing Little

Video: First Clip from Disney/Pixar's Brave

Video: New Trailer for Disney Pixar's Brave

The Muppets - New Trailer Released

San Diego Comic Con 2011 - Sunday Programming Hightlights

Video: Disney's John Carter Trailer

Coming Next Summer: Pixar's Brave

Movie Review: Cars 2 - It's A Kids Flick

Cartoon Cavalcade with Doc Oracle!: Cars 2 & Green Lantern Toons

Comic Pull List - 3/2/2011